
English to Bulgarian dictionary / Английско - български речник

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This English to Bulgarian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Bulgarian and Bulgarian to English translations will be listed at once.

animal животно (n) (živótno)
apple ябълка (f) (jábǎlka)
baby бебе (n) (bébe)
book книга (f) (kníga)
boy момче (n) (momče)
brother брат (m) (brat)
cat котка (f) (kótka)
city град (m) (grad)
day денонощие
dog куче (n) (kuče); пес (m) (pes); псе (n) (pse)
father баща (m) (baštá)
fire огън (m) (ogən)
flower цвете (n) (cvéte)
food храна (f) (hraná)
friend приятел (m) (prijátel); приятелка (f) (prijátelka)
fruit плод (m) (plod); овошка (f) (ovóška)
girl девойка (f) (devójka); мома (f) (momá); момиче (f) (momiče)
go отивам (otívam)
hello здравей (zdravéy, 'familiar'), здравейте (zdravéyte, 'formal')
horse кон (m) (kon)
house къща (f) (kəšta)
listen слушам (slúsham); послушвам (poslúshvam); послушам (poslúsham)
love любов (f) (ljubóv); обич (f) (obič)
man мъж (m) (məž)
money пари (f)
mother майка (f) (májka)
no не#Bulgarian'не (né)
peace мир (m) (mir)
read чета (četá); прочета (prochetá); прочитам (pročitam)
school училище (n) (učílište); школа (f) (škóla)
sister сестра (f) (sestra)
thank you благодаря (blagodarjá); мерси (mersí)
time време (n) (vréme)
tree дърво (n) (dərvo)
water вода (f) (vodá)
woman жена (f) (žená)
write пиша (píša)
yes да
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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