
Maltese vocabulary

Learn English to Maltese vocabulary : Verb

Index > Verb

act agixxa
argue argumenta, irraġuna
attack attakka
beat rebaħ (lil), kisser
become sar
bite gidem
burn ħaraq
call ċempel
care impurtah
carry ġar
catch qabad
cause giegħel
change biddel
classify qassam, ikklassifika
clean naddaf
control ikkontrolla
cook sajjar
copy ikkopja
cough sogħol
crush farrak
crush għaffeġ
cry beka'
design iddisinja, ippjana
desire ried
divide fired, qasam
doubt iddubita
embrace ikkopra, inkluda
end temm, spiċċa
estimate stima
exceed qabeż, eċċedi
fight iġġieled
finish lesta
flush witta
free ħeles, illibera
hate bagħad
hold żamm
increase żied
injure wegga'
introduce introduċa
join għaqqad
keep żamm
kick ta daqqa ta' sieq
land niżel, illandja
last dam, baqa'
lead mexxa, ħa
let ħalla
lift għolla, tella'
limit illimita
lock sakkar, qafel
look deher
match qabel
measure qies, kejl
miss immissja, falla
name semma
order ordna
own kellu
peel qaxxar
plow ħarat
poison ivvelena
polish illostra
prepare lesta
print stampa
process ittratta, ipprocessa
profit qala'
protest ipprotesta
rate ordna, irranġa fl-ordni
reach wasal, laħaq
record irrekordja
refuse irrifjuta, irrofta
reply wieġeb, irrisponda
request talab
respect irrispetta, weġġaħ
rest strieħ
round off arrotonda
rule iggverna
save salva
see ra
send imposta
sew ħit
shout għajjat, werżaq
smash kisser
smell nxtamm
smell niten
smell xamm
smoke pejjep
steal seraq
stop waqaf
study studja
support appoġġa
surprise skanta
taste tiegħem
teach għallem
test ipprova, ittestja
throw tefa', xeħet
trade innegozja
train ħarreg, ittrejnja
travel ivvjaġġja
trick inganna, qarraq bi
try ipprova
turn dar
walk mexa
warm saħħan
wash ħasel
watch ra
win rebaħ

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