
Latvian vocabulary

Learn English to Latvian vocabulary : Adverb

Index > Adverb

about ap
above augstāk
again atkal
almost gandrīz
along gar
already jau
always arvien
approximately aptuveni
before iekams
behind aiz
between starp
by pa
directly taisni
down apakšā
either abi
enough diezgan
exactly tieši
finally beigās
first pirmkārt
generally parasti
here šeit
here šeit
however taču
immediately nekavējoties
indeed patiesi
inside iekšpusē
instead vietā
least vismazāk
little mazs
merely tikai
never nekad
not ne
often bieži
once kādreiz
particularly sevišķi
possibly iespējams
really patiesībā
recently nesen
slowly lēni
sometimes dažreiz
soon drīz
still vēl
such tāds
surely noteikti
then pēc tam
therefore tādēļ
today šodiena
together kopā
tonight šis vakars
too arī
up augšā
usually parasti
very patiesi
well labi
why kādēļ

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