
Afrikaans vocabulary

Learn English to Afrikaans vocabulary : Business

Index > Business

account rekening
advantage voordeel
advertisement advertensie
advice advies
agreement kontrak
attention aandag
authority gesag
banknote noot
bargain akkoord
brand handelsnaam
business besigheid
capital kapitaal
change kleingeld
cheque tjek
committee komitee
company maatskappy
competition meedinging
complaint aanklag
contract kontrak
council raad
course lesuur
customer klant
department afdeling
difficulty moeite
director bestuurder
economy ekonomie
environment omgewing
experience ondervinding
firm firma
form vorm
group groep
help hulp
holiday vakansie
income inkomste
industry industrie
insurance versekering
interest rente
invoice rekening
job werk
law reël
leave verlof
loss verlore
management leiding
mark merkers
market mark
material materiaal
mean middelpunt
money geld
occupation beroep
offer aanbieding
office buro
officer amptenaar
operation operasie
owner besitter
package pakket
payment ter betaling
plan plan
price prys
problem probleem
profit profyt
property eiendom
rate vlak
rest die res
reward beloning
right reg
sale verkope
service diens
share aandeel
shop winkel
skill vaardigheid
staff personeel
success sukses
support ondersteuning
table tafel
tax belasting
team span
trade handel
value waarde
work werk
worker arbeider

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