
Welsh to Azeri dictionary

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This Welsh to Azeri dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Welsh to Azeri and Azeri to Welsh translations will be listed at once.

afal alma
anifail (m); (m) heyvan
arian pul
bachgen (m); bechgyn oğlan
bachgennes (f); geneth (f) qız
benyw (f); dynes (f) qadın
blodyn (m) çiçək
brawd qardaş
caer (f); dinas (f) şəhər
cath (f) pişik
ceffyl at
chwaer (f) bacı
ci (m) it; köpək
coeden, pren, colfen (colloquial) ağac
diolch təşəkkür; sağ ol; təşəkkür edirəm; çox razıyam
heddwch sülh
helo, bore da ('good morning'), dydd da ('good day') salam
llyfr (m) kitab
mam ana
na (nǎ or nâ, using nazalized n; commonly used also by English speakers) yox
serch (m) eşq
tad ata
tân (m) od; atəş
tŷ (m); annedd (m) ev
ysgol (f) məktəb
ysgrifennu yazmaq
Azeri to Welsh dictionary

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