
Vietnamese to Marathi dictionary

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This Vietnamese to Marathi dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Vietnamese to Marathi and Marathi to Vietnamese translations will be listed at once.

cám ơn धन्यवाद (dhanyavād)
cây झाड (zhād); वृक्ष
chị; em gái; em (bahin) (f)
chó कुत्रा (kutra)
cô gái; con gái; gái मुल्गी (f) (mulagi)
con mèo; mèo मांजर (mānjar) (f), बोका (bokā) (m)
đàn ông माणूस
hoa फूल
lửa; hoả अग्नि (agni)
mã; ngựa घोडा
nghe; lắng nghe ऐकणे (aikaNe)
phụ nữ बाइको; स्त्री (f) (strī)
quả táo; trái táo; táo tây; bôm सफरचंद (safarchand)
quả; trái; trái cây फळ (phala)
sách; cuốn sách; quyển sách; sổ; sách giáo khoa पुस्तक (pustak)
thú vật जनावर
viết लिहिणें
xin chào नमस्कार (namaskār)
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