
Swedish to Basque dictionary

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This Swedish to Basque dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Swedish to Basque and Basque to Swedish translations will be listed at once.

äpple (n) sagar
blomma lore
bok liburu
bror; broder anai '(brother of a male)', neba '(brother of a female)'
djur (n) animalia
dygn (n); dag egun
eld; brand su
fader; far; pappa aita
flicka; tjej; jänta; tös neska
fred bake
gå; åka joan
hallå; hej; god dag; tjena; hejsan kaixo
häst; russ; fåle zaldi
hund; hynda (f) txakur, etxe-txakur
hus (n) etxe
ja bai
kärlek maitea#Basque'maitea
katt katu
kvinna andre; emakume
läsa erakurri; leitu
man; karl gizon; gizaseme; gizonki
mat; föda janari
mor ama
nej ez
pengar diru
pojke mutil; mutiko
skriva idatzi
spädbarn; baby jaioberri
stad hiri
tack eskerrik asko
träd (n) zuhaitz
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