
Spanish to Lithuanian dictionary

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This Spanish to Lithuanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Spanish to Lithuanian and Lithuanian to Spanish translations will be listed at once.

alimento (m); comida (f) maistas (m)
amigo (m); amiga (f) draugas
amor (m) meilė
animal (m); bestia (f) gyvūnas (m)
árbol (m) medis (m)
bebé (m); nene (m); niño (m); niña (f); bebe (m); guagua (f) kūdikis (m)
caballo (m); yegua (f) arklys; žirgas (m)
casa (f) namas (n)
ciudad (f); urbe (f) miestas
día (m) para; diena (f)
dinero (m); cobres (m); lana; pasta; pisto (m); plata (f); real (m) pinigai (m)
escribir rašyti
escuchar klausyti
escuela (f) mokykla (f)
flor (f) žiedas (m); gėlė (f)
fruta (f); fruto (m) vaisius (m)
fuego (m) ugnis
gato (m); gata (f) katė (f); katinas (m)
gracias; muchas gracias ačiū
hermana (f) sesuo
hermano (m) brolis (m) (1,2,3)
hola; buenos días; qué tal labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal)
ir eiti
libro (m) knyga (f)
madre (f) motė (f); motina (f)
manzana (f) obuolys (m)
mujer (f) moteris (f)
niña (f); muchacha (f); chica (f) mergina (f); mergaitė (f)
niño (m) (gloss'child), chico (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), muchacho (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), chaval (m) (slang), varón (m), (gloss'gender specification: boy or girl?) ¿varón o mujer? berniukas (m)
no ne
padre (m) tėvas
perro (m) kalė (f)
sí#Spanish'sí, simón (colloquial, Mexico, Guatemala) taip
tiempo (m) laikas (m)
varón (m); hombre (m) vyras (m)
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