
Italian to Azeri dictionary

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This Italian to Azeri dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Italian to Azeri and Azeri to Italian translations will be listed at once.

acqua (f) su
albero (m) ağac
amico (m); amica (f) dost
amore (m) eşq
animale (m); bestia (f) heyvan
bambina (f); (f) qız
bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager) oğlan
cane (m) it; köpək
casa (f); casa ev
cavallo (m) at
ciao; salve; buongiorno salam
città (f) şəhər
denaro (m); soldi pul
donna (f) qadın
fiore (m) çiçək
fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4) qardaş
frutta (f); frutto (m) meyvə
fuoco (m); fiamma (f) od; atəş
gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f) pişik
grazie təşəkkür; sağ ol; təşəkkür edirəm; çox razıyam
libro (m) kitab
madre (f) ana
mela (f) alma
no yox
pace (f) sülh
padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m) ata
scrivere yazmaq
scuola (f) məktəb
sorella (f) bacı
Azeri to Italian dictionary

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