
Estonian to Norwegian Bokmal dictionary

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This Estonian to Norwegian Bokmal dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Estonian to Norwegian Bokmal and Norwegian Bokmal to Estonian translations will be listed at once.

aeg tid (m)
aitäh; aitüma takk
armastus kjærlighet (m)
beebi spebarn (n)
ei nei
ema mor; mamma; moder
hobune hest (m)
isa far; pappa; fader
kass huskatt (m); katt (m); katte (f)
kirjutama skrive
koer; peni hund (m); bikkje (f)
kool skole (m)
kuulama, tähele panema lytte
lill blomst (m)
linn by
loom dyr
lugema; vaata lese
maja; hoone hus (n)
mees; meesterahvas mann (m)
minema reise; fare; dra
naine kvinne; dame
õde, sõsar søster; storesøster; lillesøster
ööpäev; päev dag (m); døgn (n)
õun eple (n)
puu tre (n)
puuvili frukt (m)
raha penger
sõber venn (m); venninne (f)
tere; hei hallo; hei; god dag; halla; heisann
tuli ild (m)
vend; veli bror (m)
vesi vann (n)
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