
English to Basque dictionary

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This English to Basque dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Basque and Basque to English translations will be listed at once.

animal animalia
apple sagar
baby jaioberri
book liburu
boy mutil; mutiko
brother anai '(brother of a male)', neba '(brother of a female)'
cat katu
city hiri
day egun
dog txakur, etxe-txakur
father aita
fire su
flower lore
food janari
girl neska
go joan
hello kaixo
horse zaldi
house etxe
love maitea#Basque'maitea
man gizon; gizaseme; gizonki
money diru
mother ama
no ez
peace bake
read erakurri; leitu
thank you eskerrik asko
tree zuhaitz
water ur
woman andre; emakume
write idatzi
yes bai
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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