
English to Kazakh dictionary

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This English to Kazakh dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Kazakh and Kazakh to English translations will be listed at once.

animal жануар (janwar); хайуан (xaywan); айуан (aywan)
apple алма; алма (alma)
baby бала (bala), сәби (säbî)
book кітап (kitap)
boy бала (bala)
cat мысық (mısıq)
city қала (qala)
dog ит (ît)
father ата (ata); әке (äke); көке (köke)
fire от (ot)
flower гүл (gül)
food ас (as)
friend дос (dos)
girl қыз (qız)
hello (Cyrl'сәлем) (səlem), салам (salam), (Cyrl'сәлеметсіздер) (səlemetsizder, 'formal')
horse жылқы (jılqı)
house үй (üj)
money ақша (aqşa); пұл (pul); теңге (teñge)
mother Шеше (sheshe), ана (ana), әже (yezhe)
no жоқ (joq)
sister апа (apa)
thank you рахмет (rahmet); рақмет (raqmet)
tree ағаш (ağaş); дарақ (daraq)
water су (suw)
woman қатын (qatın); әйел (äyel)
yes иә (iyä)
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

Kazakh to English dictionary

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