
English to Interlingua dictionary

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This English to Interlingua dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Interlingua and Interlingua to English translations will be listed at once.

animal animal, bestia
apple pomo
baby baby, bebe
boy (m)
brother fratre
cat catto (m), catta (f)
city citate
dog can#Interlingua'can
father patre
flower flor
food alimento#Interlingua'alimento
friend amico#Interlingua'amico
fruit fructo
girl puera (child)
go vader
hello bon die
horse cavallo (m)
house casa
listen ascoltar
love amor
man homine
money moneta
mother matre
no no#Interlingua'no
peace pace
school schola
sister soror
tree arbore
water aqua
woman femina
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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