
English to Swedish dictionary / Engelsk - svensk ordbok

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This english to swedish dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both english to swedish and swedish to english translations will be listed at once.

animal djur (n)
apple äpple (n)
baby spädbarn; baby
book bok
boy pojke
brother bror; broder
cat katt
city stad
day dygn (n); dag
dog hund; hynda (f)
father fader; far; pappa
fire eld; brand
flower blomma
food mat; föda
friend kamrat; vän; väninna (f)
fruit frukt
girl flicka; tjej; jänta; tös
go gå; åka
hello hallå; hej; god dag; tjena; hejsan
horse häst; russ; fåle
house hus (n)
listen lyssna; på
love kärlek
man man; karl
money pengar
mother mor
no nej
peace fred
read läsa
school skola
sister syster
thank you tack
time tid
tree träd (n)
woman kvinna
write skriva
yes ja
swedish to english dictionary

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