
English to Chinese dictionary / 英语 - 汉语词典

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敬 敬 [jing4]   to offer , to respect , to salute , to venerate
敬啟 敬启 [jing4 qi3]   respectful closing to a letter
敬意 敬意 [jing4 yi4]   respect , tribute
敬愛 敬爱 [jing4 ai4]   respect and love
敬服 敬服 [jing4 fu2]   admire
敬祝 敬祝 [jing4 zhu4]   to respectfully offer (written at the end of letter from someone of lower status to higher status)
敬禮 敬礼 [jing4 li3]   salute
敬而遠之 敬而远之 [jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1]   (saying) to show respect from a distance
敬酒 敬酒 [jing4 jiu3]   propose a toast , toast
敬重 敬重 [jing4 zhong4]   to esteem , to respect deeply , to revere

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