
English to Chinese dictionary / 英语 - 汉语词典

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並 并 [bing4]   (not) at all , also , and , furthermore , simultaneously , to combine , to join , to merge , together with
並不 并不 [bing4 bu4]   emphatically not , not at all
並且 并且 [bing4 qie3]   and , besides , furthermore , in addition , moreover
並入 并入 [bing4 ru4]   incorporate in , merge into
並列 并列 [bing4 lie4]   be juxtaposed , stand side by side
並把 并把 [bing4 ba3]   to include
並排 并排 [bing4 pai2]   abreast , side by side
並激 并激 [bing4 ji1]   shunt excitation
並立 并立 [bing4 li4]   exist side by side , exist simultaneously
並聯 并联 [bing4 lian2]   parallel connection
並肩 并肩 [bing4 jian1]   abreast , alongside , shoulder to shoulder , side by side
並舉 并举 [bing4 ju3]   develop simultaneously
並蒂蓮 并蒂莲 [bing4 di4 lian2]   twin lotus flowers on one stalk - a devoted married couple
並行 并行 [bing4 xing2]   in parallel [development, implementation, etc]
並行不悖 并行不悖 [bing4 xing2 bu4 bei4]   both can be implemented without coming into conflict , not be mutually exclusive , run parallel
並行程序 并行程序 [bing4 xing2 cheng2 xu4]   parallel program
並重 并重 [bing4 zhong4]   lay equal stress on , pay equal attention to
並非 并非 [bing4 fei1]   really isn't
並駕齊驅 并驾齐驱 [bing4 jia4 qi2 qu1]   be on a par with one another , keep abreast of , or keep pace with , run neck and neck

也 (yě), 並, 并 (bìng), 還, 还 (hái), 以及 (yǐjí), 亦 (yì) also

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